Comedian Cho Sae-ho dating noncelebrity and preparing for marriage

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Comedian Cho Sae-ho dating noncelebrity and preparing for marriage

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Comedian Cho Sae-ho [NEWS1]

Comedian Cho Sae-ho [NEWS1]

Comedian Cho Sae-ho is in a relationship with a noncelebrity woman, according to media reports Monday.
“Cho has been dating a noncelebrity woman for about a year,” his agency A2Z Entertainment said after the news broke on the same day.  

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Cho’s girlfriend is known to be nine years younger than the star. They got close for having a mutual interest in fashion, according to news reports.
The two are dating with the hope of getting married this year, his agency added.
Cho sparked wedding rumors last December on tvN’s variety talk show “You Quiz on the Block” (2018 - ), asking about who to invite and the guest list for his wedding, which surprised his co-host comedian Yoo Jae-suk and guest Jang Na-ra.  
Cho debuted in 2001 as a comedian under SBS. He is best known as a cast member of tvN’s variety talk show “You Quiz on the Block.” He also appeared in the recently ended KBS’ TV show “Beat Coin” (2022-24).
To find out more about Cho Se-ho, visit Celeb Confirmed! 

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