Korea University announces inaugural recipients of SK Global Scholarship

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Korea University announces inaugural recipients of SK Global Scholarship

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Students selected for the SK Global Scholarship pose for a photo during the scholarship award ceremony. [KOREA UNIVERSITY]

Students selected for the SK Global Scholarship pose for a photo during the scholarship award ceremony. [KOREA UNIVERSITY]

Korea University announced Wednesday that it has selected the first batch of international students for the full-ride SK Global Scholarship.
The university hosted an award ceremony on Tuesday at its campus in Seongbuk District, northern Seoul, to celebrate the students who were awarded the scholarship.
This is the first time the SK Global Scholarship has been offered. The scholarship was established following a memorandum of understanding signed between Korea University and SK in November last year.  
According to the university, it plans to select more scholarship recipients over the next four years.
"I'm happy to have the opportunity to study at Korea University," said Milashevskaya Alexandra, one of the scholarship recipients. "I want to learn the latest technologies in AI and gain valuable experience by participating in various research projects with professors."  
The SK Global Scholarship is offered to international students from Eastern Europe who are studying in Korea University's master's degree programs in electrical and computer engineering, physics, AI and IT.
The scholarship covers full tuition for four semesters, the first-semester entrance fee, round-trip airfare, living expenses of 1.5 million won ($1,120) per month, medical insurance and Korean language training fees.
"We are happy to offer Eastern European students the opportunity to study cutting-edge technologies at Korea University," said Song Jin-won, executive vice president of Korea University's graduate school. "We hope many Eastern European students will gain access to various research opportunities through this scholarship program."  

BY LEE TAE-HEE [lee.taehee2@joongang.co.kr]
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