Body found in abandoned truck, two months after police inspection missed discovery

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Body found in abandoned truck, two months after police inspection missed discovery

Iksan Police Precinct [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Iksan Police Precinct [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Police are investigating a dead body found in an abandoned truck in Iksan, North Jeolla, two months after a previous inspection overlooked it.
On July 20, Iksan Police Precinct received a report about a truck that had been left abandoned for a month or two in a forest in Iksan. When officers arrived at the scene, they found a flipped one-ton truck deep in the woods. The vehicle was confirmed to belong to a man in his 60s from Gimhae, but police were unable to contact him. It was also discovered that he had been out of touch with his family for some time.

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Police then contacted the Iksan City Office, which is responsible for managing neglected vehicles, and closed the case after being informed that the truck would soon be removed.  
However, on Oct. 3, a resident passing by the truck reported to police that a dead body was inside. Upon re-inspection, police confirmed the presence of the body and have since launched a full investigation, including conducting an autopsy. 
"Heavy rains in July flooded the forest in Mangseong-myeon up to one’s knees," said a police official. "Officers wearing raincoats conducted the initial investigation but may not have thoroughly checked the vehicle," the official added.
Authorities are now working to determine the exact cause of death, with indications that the truck may have been burned, according to police.

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