Property prices head for the clouds

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Property prices head for the clouds

Visitors look at apartments in Jamsil covered in fog from Lotte Tower in Songpa, southern Seoul, on Monday. As the ruling Democratic Party (DP) is planning to push through the government’s hike of property taxes with the 176 seats it has in the National Assembly, the government is expected to announce its housing supply plan. Despite the government’s efforts, apartment prices in Seoul continued to rise. According to the Korea Appraisal Board, Seoul apartment prices in July rose 1.12 percent compared to June despite the government rolling out new real estate measures. [YONHAP]

Visitors look at apartments in Jamsil covered in fog from Lotte Tower in Songpa, southern Seoul, on Monday. As the ruling Democratic Party (DP) is planning to push through the government’s hike of property taxes with the 176 seats it has in the National Assembly, the government is expected to announce its housing supply plan. Despite the government’s efforts, apartment prices in Seoul continued to rise. According to the Korea Appraisal Board, Seoul apartment prices in July rose 1.12 percent compared to June despite the government rolling out new real estate measures. [YONHAP]

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