Korea Tourism Organization names virtual human its new ambassador

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Korea Tourism Organization names virtual human its new ambassador

Lizzie Yeo, an AI influencer, has been named as the honorary ambassador for the Korea Tourism Organization on Wednesday. [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Lizzie Yeo, an AI influencer, has been named as the honorary ambassador for the Korea Tourism Organization on Wednesday. [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Korea’s hottest celebrities and sports stars are usually chosen as honorary ambassadors to promote Korean tourism to the world, but this time, a virtual human named Lizzie Yeo, has been named as the new honorary ambassador by the Korea Tourism Organization (KTO).
Virtual humans are computer-generated three-dimensional characters that are designed to behave like humans. There are around 150 of such characters in Korea. They have appeared in various commercials and music videos and now even being named as honorary ambassadors. 
“She is 22 years old and her name is Lizzie Yeo,” the KTO said on Wednesday. “She’s an influencer and has been introducing Korean culture and tourist attractions online since last December.”  
Lizzie will be taking on the role for a year, following soccer player Son Heung-min.  
The organization said people can get more information about traveling in Korea through her Tiktok and Instagram accounts.  
It's not the first time for the KTO utilize the talents of a virtual human. Last year, it named virtual human Luii its YouTube channel's honorary ambassador. 

BY YIM SEUNG-HYE [yim.seunghye@joongang.co.kr]
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