Nongshim to open Shin Ramyun pop-up store in Tokyo's Harajuku area

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Nongshim to open Shin Ramyun pop-up store in Tokyo's Harajuku area

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Nongshim's Shin Ramyun pop-up store will open in Harajuku, Tokyo, from Friday to Oct. 14. [NONGSHIM]

Nongshim's Shin Ramyun pop-up store will open in Harajuku, Tokyo, from Friday to Oct. 14. [NONGSHIM]

Nongshim aims to double its sales in Japan by holding a wide range of events, including a Shin Ramyun pop-up store. 

The Shin Ramyun pop-up store will open in Harajuku, Tokyo, from Friday to Oct. 14. The pop-up store will include Shin Ramyun instant noodle tasting food trucks, interactive sessions for customers to customize their own variations of the instant noodles. It will also introduce visitors to consumer-modified recipes of the ramyun. 
“We plan to advertise Shin Ramyun and its ‘spicy flavor of Korea’ to Japan, the birthplace of instant noodles,” Nongshim said in a press release Monday, adding that the company chose Harajuku, as it is a popular destination for the young Japanese.
Nongshim's Shin Ramyun pop-up store will open in Harajuku, Tokyo from Friday to Oct. 14. [NONGSHIM]

Nongshim's Shin Ramyun pop-up store will open in Harajuku, Tokyo from Friday to Oct. 14. [NONGSHIM]

Nongshim will join the Sapporo Snow Festival in February next year and launch a Shin Ramyun winter edition, the company said Monday.
“Shin Ramyun’s revenue in Japan surpassed 10 billion yen [$70.5 million] in 2023, and we hope to increase the revenue to 20 billion yen by 2026 through increased interactive events and collaborative marketing attempts,” the company said. 

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